Answer: An aim of life is the ultimate goal that one wants to reach by working hard. This is the result one wants to achieve in life.
Every person has some aim. Without an aim, none can work congruously or in a disciplined way. An aimless life is like a boat without a rudder, having no course of its own, incapable of reaching any destination. Aimless work is futile in itself. It pays nothing. For example, if one walks along a road with no mind to reach any specific destination, one eventually reaches no destination. Life is like a long unmeasured walk, and the roads are incredibly many. Therefore, before starting this long strenuous journey, we must first decide where to go. This timely decision will then show us the probable ways to reach there. Otherwise, the journey will be only a journey-a waste of time, wealth, and stamina. If a hunter runs aimlessly through a forest and fires thousands of bullets around at no specific target, it is most likely that he will ultimately have nothing. If a boatman who wants to cross a river in strong current does not decide beforehand what spot on the other bank to reach and work accordingly from the very beginning, he will never be able to reach there; the strong current will Milch him away from his course. The aim must be there before every course of action.
It is generally the case that man works but does not enjoy it; what he enjoys is what he achieves: in other words, he enjoys his work as long as he realizes that such work will pay him something. And it is only when he enjoys his work does he work well and achieve what he has in mind. Hence the importance of aim; it comes first and sets forth what he should do first to achieve it. But that is not all an aim does; it helps him to decide what to do, when to do, how to do, and how not to do something to achieve it. All kinds of plans, management, coordination, and control emerge out of a perfect sense of that aim.
But in this regard, it is to be borne in mind that an aim is not a mere daydream. We should aim at what we are really interested in and what is eventually achievable. A man who is now a renowned doctor could have perhaps aimed to be a renowned poet in his life. But that he is a doctor and is successful in his line explains much to the contrary. This fact proves that if he had chosen to be a poet, he might have become so, but perhaps not a renowned one. His interest, aptitude, and dream undoubtedly are strictly in favor of being a doctor. So it is clear that we should choose our aims in light of our respective dream, aptitude, and interest. We do best what we really want to do and what we have the capability to do. And choosing an aim is undoubtedly choosing something for the achievement of which we can do our best.
Aim in life |