A relief goods for the flood affected people


*** Imagine, you are salam/ salma . A devastating flood has recently visited your area and left untold suffering for the people. Now write an email to the chairman of your Upazilla for relief goods.



To        : shakrailup@gamil.com

From    : upzilla@gmil.com

Date     : 20 Feb 2019 ,time : 8.00 am

Subject : A relief goods for the flood affected people.



We the inhabitants of your union, have the honour to state that flood has caused a great damage his year all around the locality. The suffering of the people beggar description. they are now suffering for want of shelter, food and medicine.


We ,therefore pray and hope that you will kindly give them relief goods shelter, food and medicine and oblige thereby .


Yours faithfully


On behalf kof the inhabitants of  kusumpur village.

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