Intention after the examination

*** Write an e-mail to your child telling friend / her about your intention after the examination.( JSC/SSC/HSC Exam)

Answer :

To   :

From  :

Date : 25 Oct 2019 time:  10.45 am

Subject  : Regarding intention to do after the JSC/SSC/HSC Exam.

Dear Arif,

I received your email yesterday. You wanted to know about my plan after the J.S.C/S.S.C/H.S.C examination. Now I am telling you about it. My J.S.C/S.S.C/H.S.C Examination is over and I hope to pass the examination and obtain GPA-5. I have two months time at hand. I have made up my mind to do some noble work for my children. You know most of our village children are neglected. They do not know how to read and write. So, I have decided to start a night school in our village. I shall also give them knowledge about scientific method of learning. I will also try try to make them conscious about their life. My friends in the village have assured me that they will help me in my programs.

I hope you will appreciate my plan. I am very well. With you all the best, and regards to your parents.

Your loving friend




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