Merits and demerits of mobile phone

 ***Suppose you are Mahin/Mina. You know mobile phone has become an essential device in our daily life. It has both merits and demerits. Now make a dialogue between your friend Roni/Rina about it.

Ans: A dialogue between myself and my friend Roni about the merits and demerits of mobile phone.

Mahin: Hello, roni , you look very cheerful. What’s the matter?

Roni : I bought a mobile phone last night and I’m  so happy.

Mahin: That’s great. But , what is the use of mobile phone? 

Roni: Mobile phone is an important medium of communication which helps intercommunication with the people in the shortest possible time.

Mahin: Who are benefited through the use of mobile phone?

Roni: Specially the businessmen and the service holders are much benefited through the use mobile phone. It is also useful of doctor, high official and for the people who do shopping and supply valuable information sitting in their houses.

Mahin: What is the abuses of mobile phone?

Roni: By using the mobile phone the terrorists and criminals carry out their evil desires and commit crimes without much difficulty. Sometimes , the criminals use this phone to maintain their secrecy. In spite of some such drawbacks, there is no better alternative to mobile phone in communicating with people at home and abroad.

Mahin: Thank you for giving me such valuable information.

Roni: You're welcome.



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