Full free-studentship

 ***Write an email to your Headmaster Praying for full free studentship.


To        : xuschool@gmail.com

From    : zhool@gmil.com

Date     : 10 Jan, time : 3.00 pm

Subject : Full free-studentship.


I would like to inform you that my father is poor farmer. His income is too little for our family. Our family consists of five members. I have been reading in your school for three years. One of my sisters also reads in class VI in your school. My father is the only earning member of our family. So, it is quite impossible for him to bear my educational expenses. If I do not get a full free studentship I have to put an end of my  study. I would like to mention here that I stood first in last annual examination.

I therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant a full free studentship and give an opportunity to continue my study.

Your most obedient pupil

Ali ahmed

Class: VI

Roll: 01


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