Permission to go on a study tour


***Suppose , you are Manik / Monika . you are a student of Nobigonj high school . Jashore in class ten . you and your classmates are  very much interested to go on a study tour for removing monotony . now write an email to the headmaster of your school seeking permission for going on a study tour.



To        :

From    :

Date     : 20 Feb 2019 ,time : 8.00 am

Subject : For permission to go on a study tour.


Sir ,

We the student of class ten of your school, beg most respectfully to state that we eagerly wish to make a study tour to Sonargaon. This type of visit to the historical places will enhance our idea about glorious past of our country . Our team consists of 25 students and tow teachers. We need tow day to arrange the programme. We have already hired a bus for the whole duration of the tour . We have had our parents consent and submitted it to our team leader khandaker Rafiqul islam , our physical teacher. We are well organised under his leadership . We hope that you will please accompany us to Sonargaon. 


We, therefore, pray and hope that you will be kind enough to permit us to go on atour to sonargaon.


We remain

Sir ,

Yours obediently





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