Describing the picnic

 *** Write an e-mail to your friend who was absent describing the picnic.



Date: 15 Oct 2020, time: 11.00 am

Subject: Describing the picnic.

Dear Faruq,

You will be glad to know that we had a picnic at Shajek Valy, a place of historical importance, on the 20th instant. I am giving you a short description of it. The picnic spot was really nice and beautiful. We hired a bus to carry us. We stared at 7 am from our school gate. We took all the necessary food stuff and utensils with us. Some of us carried cameras and tab with them. We ourselves cooked our food and served one another. We spent the whole day there. We went round the place and spent a few hours in sightseeing and singing. We also played cricket there about 30 manures. It was an enjoyable picnic. It would be more enjoyable if you accompanied us.

No more today, convey my best compliments to your parents and love to the youngers. 

Your best friend

