Describing an Accident

 ***Write an e-mail to your friend describing the accident witnessed.



Date: 25 April 2020, time: 4.00 pm

Subject: Describing an Accident.

Dear Sohel,

I am now very much upset as I witnessed a terrible street accident that took place yesterday. I am giving a short description of it. I was going to school at 10.00 am  A little girl was crossing the road near our school. A truck was coming with full speed. In the twinkling if an eye, the truck knocked her down and ran away. Passers- by raised a hue and cry and came to the spot. I also ran there. I saw that she was still alive. I hired a car to take her to the Camilla Hospital. But unfortunately she died on the way. It shocked me very much.

No more today. Be careful in moving through the streets.

Your loving


Mohespur, Kholna
