


Load-shedding means discontinuation of the supply of electricity. It is disgusting in our civil life. I feed very uneasy at the time of  load shedding because, fan, freeze, air cooler etc , don’t run in this time. When It occurs at night the whole environment becomes seriously dark. In this time thieves and pick-picketers freely prowl on the street. So it is not safe for the people to move along the street at the time of load shedding. I do not do any task at that moment. During load shedding at night, I spend my time at our balcony sitting on a chair. It hampers my study. In a day it occurs twice or more. It lasts minimum 40 to 60 minutes. Failure of electricity hampers productivity. Domestic life becomes painful. The housewives grope in the darkness in the kitchen. The sufferings of the students due to load shedding beggar description. The patients also suffer terribly for load shedding. Operations are stopped. The food kept in the refrigerators gets rotten. The commodities preserved in cold storage get spoiled. In fact , load shedding causes great sufferings to the people and an irreparable loss to the country. The entire life domestic and industrial comes to a standstill. So government should take necessary steps to control the load-shedding.




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